About Steve Vanstraaten

Leadership and business consultant. Leadership coach.
Advocate for mastering the power of expectations.
Author. Speaker. Think-tank facilitator.

The official take

So ... what is it that qualifies Steve to coach leaders?

Chief Executive Officer

Executive manager

Board director

Project portfolio lead

Program & project manager

Engineering technologist

A career in engineering and technology development afforded Steve the opportunities to manage portfolios, major projects and programs, and consult to multi-national organisations, and facilitate turnaround interventions on troubled projects and portfolios.

As a leader he has resided on the board of numerous companies. He is a former CEO of companies, current CEO of Berkley Institute, and has functioned at various executive levels. Steve has established and managed multiple businesses over the past thirty years.

Development of the Leadership Psychodynamics Model

The Leadership Psychodynamics Model

The Leadership Blueprint

Leadership Psychodynamics Playbook

Leadership Psychodynamics Program

What Steve experienced through his years heading up organisations and consulting to many businesses, was the lack of leadership ability at all levels. What he observed about this leadership skills void was that it is a major contributor to the issues individuals, teams, and organisations are experiencing.

For over ten years Steve engaged in developing a model that can function as a blueprint and playbook. The underpinning foundation would always be that it has its foundational base in the fundamentals of what drives us as a human dynamic.

This result is a model, blueprint, and playbook that has been battle-tested across a wide array of scenarios and businesses.

The leadership model is built on Steve’s foundational work on the Expectation Factor (the power of expectations), which is the force behind what drives us as a human dynamic.

The other side of the story

There is so much more to the holistic person than only the professional or occupational resume'.

After all, we are a sum of every experience around us, and within us. This complete picture is where the greatest value and contribution will be found.

“But that is the “job”.

There is always more to a person than what is viewed as their primary vocation. What I do, the experiences and knowledge that I want to share, goes far beyond my “daily job.” Who we truly are, and what gives us all the ability to add value into the lives of those around us, is not the conditioned state of the nine-to-five activities we perform.

It is the sum of all the other interwoven stories, battle scars, victories, vulnerabilities, courage, failures, getting up after a knock, love, trust, expectations and …. well, life in general, that truly shapes and defines who we are and what we are. So … this is the greater part of my story.

Away from the pursuits of what I do professionally I have indulged my passion for motorsport, been an extreme sport competitor, motorsport champion, television commentator and done many television voice overs and narrations. Along the way I have engaged with some of the most colourful, insightful and often, the weirdest but super fun human beings.

My public speaking engagements over the years have been experiences that I will never exchange. The people whose lives I have sown into have equally sown back into my life, and for these moments I am eternally grateful. This rich and mixed tapestry has equipped me with a little something to share, and energised me to continue striving for a purpose by far greater than myself.

I am a restless soul and a very low threshold for boredom fuels my appetite to constantly seek out new and challenging things. When combined with my DNA to become passionately involved and immersed in what interests me, it has afforded me a very colourful life and some wild opportunities to pursue.

Along the way some ventures have had successes while others have failed miserably, but each has added to my experience base and become a springboard for every new chapter of life. It is what has shaped my life and in particular my passion for making a positive meaningful impact in the lives of those around me. I love to share, coach, inspire and help others to become greater than whatever limitations are holding them back.”